sand trap


sand trap 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a shallow pit partly filled with sand, usually located near a green, and designed to serve as a hazard.

sand trap 近义词

n. 名词 noun

golf course hazard

sand trap 的近义词 3

更多sand trap例句

  1. For Perseverance, that means it can jet up to four tenths of a mile as it scouts for a particular spot away from slippery slopes, treacherous boulder fields, or sticky sand traps.
  2. There is only sand, a white ball, and a flag indicating the hole.
  3. When the game starts, there is only sand, a white ball, a flag indicating hole 1, and a “0” at the top of the screen.
  4. But Reconcile is from a slightly different arm of Houston hip-hop—more focused on spiritual triumph over the trap.
  5. Do not fall into the trap of being swayed by political notion.
  6. You now have a growing number of candidates and elected officials who can do that without having to fall into that trap.
  7. Broken crocks should be strewn upon the tray, and on to this is heaped peaty soil mixed with sand.
  8. You speak with about as little reflection as we might expect from one of those children down there playing in the sand.
  9. Sometimes the animal was caught in a trap which was nothing less than a hut of logs with a single entrance.
  10. Edna looked at her feet, and noticed the sand and slime between her brown toes.
  11. The little faces shone like polished bronze; they held their hands out, their bare feet pattered in the sand.